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Hyundai New Super Aero City #서울74사9516

1 march 2019 - Seoul, Jongno-gu, Jong-ro (서울특별시 종노구 종로), Jongno 4-ga, Jongmyo bus stop.
601: 개화역광역환승센터 (Gaehwa Station Transit Center) → 혜화역.서울연극센터(장면총리가옥) (Hyehwa Station, Seoul Theatre Centre (Sangmyeon Prime Minister`s House)) → 개화역광역환승센터 (Gaehwa Station Transit Center) (circular route)
What did I notice in South Korea? The South Korean capital doesn`t have one of the problems that the Japanese ones - the first one has noticeably more space. As such, the city has many wide roads with bus lanes along the middle like a tram. Bus traffic jams made up of mostly domestic buses are not a rarity in the most critical moments.

Author: TranslatorPS RSS
Place: Seoul (Seoul) | Owner: Damoa Seoul | Transport Authority: Seoul Metropolitan Government | Route: 601

Comments: 2

Hyundai Aero City #서울71사1816

1 march 2019 - Seoul, Jongno-gu, Jong-ro (서울특별시 종노구 종로), Jongno 4-ga, Jongmyo bus stop.
140: 도봉산역광역환승센터 (Dobongsam Station Transit Centre) → 양재2동주민센터.양재꽃시장 (Yangjae 2-dong) → 도봉산역광역환승센터 (Dobongsam Station Transit Centre) (circular rotue)
What does road transport look like in the Korean capital? Standard-length buses are trotting along happily without a public timetable (only first and last departures and frequencies are advertised) along routes that may appear to be bidirectional, but more often than not only have only one terminus with a proper layover, which is often enough near some garage. Only the airport buses appear to have a proper timetable. The only thing that otherwise helps in keeping a frequency level is the AVL panel in the driver`s cab, which shows the time distance from the bus ahead and behind.

Author: TranslatorPS RSS
Place: Seoul (Seoul) | Owner: Korea brt Seoul | Transport Authority: Seoul Metropolitan Government | Route: 140

Comments: 3

Hyundai Aero City #서울74사3848

1 march 2019 - Seoul, Jongno-gu, Jong-ro (서울특별시 종노구 종로), Jongno 6-ga, Dongdaemun-jonghabsijang bus stop.
720: 진관공영차고지 (Jinguan Public Garage) → 촬영소사거리.동답초등학교 (Chalyoungso Sageori, Dongdap Elementary School) → 진관공영차고지 (Jinguan Public Garage) (circular route)
Buses are permamently assigned to each bus route. Although a number of them has electronic displays, they always display the same content. They are plastered with route markings and route maps permamently both outside and inside. For example, for rte 720 seen in the photo 32 buses are authorised, and for the 140 seen on another photo - 46 buses. Overall, the 7400 buses operating the Seoul bus network are split between 65 individual companies, out of which each one takes care of between 3 and 14 routes, with fleet size between 40 and 293 buses per company. Although each company may have its own garages, there are also 11 public garages where multiple companies are based together.

Author: TranslatorPS RSS
Place: Seoul (Seoul) | Owner: Jeil Seoul | Transport Authority: Seoul Metropolitan Government | Route: 720

Comments: 2